Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques by Ivan Cukic

Downloading free books to nook Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques by Ivan Cukic

Download Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques PDF

  • Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques
  • Ivan Cukic
  • Page: 325
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9781617293818
  • Publisher: Manning Publications Company

Download Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques

Downloading free books to nook Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques by Ivan Cukic

Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques by Ivan Cukic Functional programming is becoming a required skill for all programmers, and for good reason. The functional style of programming lets developers to write more concise code, which tends to have fewer bugs. Functional Programming in C++ teaches developers the practical side of functional programming and what tools C++ provides to develop software in the functional style. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

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Functional Programming in C++ teaches developers the practical side of How to Improve Your C++ Programs Using Functional Techniques.

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